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Undergraduate/Graduate Programs

Undergraduate and graduate students have already chosen their dominant career paths. At this stage, career counselling and guidance is detailed and aims at working on the details and correcting any previous imbalances. Individuals in this stage can take control of their career paths and professional journeys by taking psychometric tests that are especially designed for undergraduate and graduate students. The test is so designed that it takes a holistic view of an individual’s strengths and weaknesses and assesses their potential success in their future professional life. Hence, this is a great way for students to identify whether they are ready to enter professional life or if they need to hone specific skills in keeping with a competitive, dynamic job market. Here, we identify the necessity and benefits of further education and the courses that would add to the students’ skill set. We assist you in the following.

  • In identifying the key skill sets that will enhance your career
  • In identifying whether you possess these skill sets and can begin your professional life
  • In providing clarity as to the necessity and benefits of higher education
  • In building on your aspirations and bringing clarity of intent to any higher education that you choose to pursue
  • In guiding you through the relevant application process