We extend our career counselling and guidance services to universities and colleges as a whole. Students at colleges and universities are at the very inception of their professional lives. It is here that they create a job profile for themselves that will allow them to be placed well in a professional setting where they can experience both success and happiness. Several steps are involved in this process and students often require professional assistance to help them navigate both the job market, skill development and stiff competition. It is here that we bring our career counselling and guidance to colleges and universities to work simultaneously with their educators to identify jobs or further education prospects that benefits the student. Hence, at this stage, we conduct relevant psychometric and aptitude tests that assess students’ readiness to enter the job market. We identify any skill sets that may be lacking in the students and can be added through further education. We look at it through the lens of what enhances the career prospects of students. For university students who are ready and willing to begin their professional careers, we assist them through the process. We do this by engaging with them in activities like resume writing, job applications and the like. For those students that want to pursue further education and achieve relevant skill sets, we provide career counselling and guidance that can help them identify universities and colleges for further education. We familiarise them with the processes and competitive examinations that can lead them to gain admission in these colleges. Hence, we provide holistic career guidance and counselling to students at these ages so that they can achieve their professional aspirations. Students at universities especially benefit from our alumni network platforms where industry professionals introduce their fields to the students. Using narratives from their professional experiences, they help students in navigating the competitive career market that they have chosen and provide them with wisdom on how to navigate the professional terrain. Hence, by supplementing psychometric and aptitude tests with wisdom from the alumni network, students are guided such that they may succeed in their professional lives.